This picture is showing a man standing on a cage like president snow and the capital. and the man in the cage is like all 12 districs under the control of the capital.
I think Catching Fire is gonna be CRAZY like the first book but it's gonna be peeta and katniss that help they tributes out and their tributes go in the arena and they help them out like Haymitch helped them. But Katniss is gonna be more like helping them out instead of what Haymitch did.
Ida B. Wells was fighting against human misery because black were getting beat and treated so diffrent then whites and she tried to get rid of it but it took for ever for any thing to happen. Plus she was battleing poverty also because she was not very wealthy. She trys to help everyone in her comunity.
I made a glog about Ida B. Wells and it tells u about some of her life and what she did and how she did it to get the place she was in life.
This book was wrote on a town named Salem. they decide that their was witch craft was going around Salem. cause it started with a Little girl went into a small coma but she woke up and tyred to kill her self and they thought she was possessed.
so now Salem thinks the devil is going around trying to recruit people to do his service or they would go to hell. they thought that the devil had people kill people. People wanted vengeance on other people so they told the court that they thought that a person was possessing them so they could get rid of them.
like Abigail tyred to get john proctors wife in jail so that she could have him to herself. John proctor knew that she was a whore after e did stuff with her.
Friday, March 12, 2010
sorrow= distress caused by loss, affliction, disappointment, etc.; grief, sadness, or regret. andover was disappointed with the Salem judges for trying to put goody nurse in the noose when they knew tat she wasn't a witch. Paris was saying that Andover was gonna riot if they huge goody nurse.
o Salem thou art sick With the invisible spirit that flies in to the night with howling screeches Has found thy bed with criminals joy with dark life's no joy it destroys thy life
Proctor Falter- to hesitate or waver in action, purpose, intent, etc.; give way: Proctor is a farmer and he has a wife named Elizabeth He helped build his church but he had one big falter and her names Abigail. He cheated on his wife wit her now she wants him all the time but now he doesn't want anything to do with her and is wife doesn't trust him anymore. Now Abigail wants to get rid of Elizabeth so she tells the court the she thinks that Elizabeth is a witch.
I found so information about John Alden. He was a sea caption and he came on the Mayflower and setteld in Plymouth, massachuetts. He sailed to Quebec and was and was accused of being a witch e was put in jail but he escaped to Duxbury and stayed with a friend.
we started to read a new book called The Crusible and we have to find a word that sands out to us and find out what it means to us and what it means to the book.
Licentious- unrestrained by law or general morality; lawless; immoral.
In my blog i got a whole bunch of cool things but it's still a baby. i only have like fifteen things on my blog. But I think it's a great way to do things because u actually have to think about what u write down and figure out what stuff means like the poems i did now that was a lot of thinking. but it fun to do cause you can understand what u write about. I don't know about anybody else but it is fun.
This is the wheel of dreams which is carried out on their voices, By means of which their voices turn and center upon being. it encircles the fast world. The powerful wheel. They shape their songs upon the wheel And spin the names on the earth and sky, The aboriginal names. They are old men, or men who are old in their voices. And they carry the wheel among the camps saying:come,come, let us tell the old stories let us sing sacred songs.
this poem is like a dream wheel And in the Absolutely true diary of a part time Indian Arnold has many dreams about the this he wants and the thing he really wants.
The Haitian government said that on 21 January that over 80,000 bodies were buried in mass graves.The earthquake caused major damage to Port-au-Prince and the surrounding area. Many landmark buildings got badly damaged or destroyed, including the presidential palace.
I think this Haiti earthquake thing is crazy and devastating I wish I could be over their helping out but I can't. I just feel really bad for them cause the only hospital they had went down in the earthquake.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The 29-year-old recently traveled home to Sierra Leone with an ABC news camera, a return that he describes as bittersweet. "It became a kind of blood lust and madness, to the point that we emulated the leaders," he said. "When the lieutenant or corporal caught a prisoner and slit their throat or something like that, all the young people talked about it and say we want to do that, we want to be like that.
Cry To Me lyrics (Ooh-ooh, hoo-hoo-hoo! Ooh-ooh hoo-hoo!) Cry to me, now; You gonna cry to me, yeah! You're gonna walk back through the heartaches; You're gonna walk back through the pain; (Shed those) Shed those lonely teardrops: The reaction of your cheating game.
You got to cry to me, now! You're gonna cry - cry - cry to me, yeah! Yeah! Lord knows how I get from the heartaches; Lord that leadeth me, yeah! And now I'm by the still water. You've got to cry to me, yea-ea-eah! You gonna cry to me now; You've got to cry - cry - cry to me, yeah! You're gonna spend those lonely hours. You're gonna shed those lonely tears; (Walk back) Walk back through the heartaches; (Walk back) Walk back through the pain; (Shed those) Shed those lonely teardrops: The reaction of your cheating game.
You're gonna to cry to me, now! You got to cry - cry - cry to me, yeah! Saying, (don't know) don't know - know how I get from the heartaches; (Lord that) Lord that leadeth me, yeah-eah-eah! (Shed those lonely teardrops) Now I'm by the still water; (The reaction of your cheating game) Gonna cry to me now, hey! (Cry) Cry (Cry) Cry
I picked this song because Ishmeal has gone through so much stuff and this song sounds what he has like the heartaches about the war and losing his family in the war when he was running away from it.
"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men" by.Abraham Lincoln I think this quote is saying that if you don't say anything about something you like or dislike it's just like a sin. you just need to come out and say something about it. I agree because I always speak my mind pretty much about everything even if i agree or disagree it's just in my blood to speak my mind. Like the law about gay marriage not getting passed that made me mad because if straight people can get married why can't gays get married it's just not right. If you love someone you should be able to marry one another.
The book was good it started out with this kid named Arnold and he's a Native American that lives on a reservation with his family. He went to a school on the reservation and he was all excited about going back to school until he gets his geometry book and sees his moms name in it then he throws it at his teacher and the book slams the teacher into the face. But his teacher wasn't mad at him he just told Arnold to leave the reservation so that he can have a better life ten anybody else in the reservation has. So he goes to a different school. The schools named is Reardon and it's all whites but at first no one liked him but After a while the whites get to like him and he makes lots of friends. But he likes this girl named penelope he had a huge crush on her and they became good friends. But there is a couple sad spots in the book. like there is one part were is grandmother get run over by a drunk driver. Then a friend of the family gets shot over a bottle of rum. Then his older sis die in a fire.
But after all that he dose fine. He beats his best friend rowdy in basketball.
I think it's a great book. it's so cool how he draws some stuff out like the book smashing into his teachers face that was just hilarious. it's a great book and i really recomened it to anyone.
This poem connects to ishmal because he trying to hide all his thoughts and pain inside. He thinks that if he releases his pain people will think down on him. But all he as to do is to talk to someone that is like a counselor so he can let people in that he never did in the war. Plus so he can go out and meet more people without hurting them.
Ishmal Has a double consciousness cause he is stuck between a boy and a soldier. When he was haveing thoughts about the war he was trying to think of what he did when he was younger. The camp he he's at is bring the kid in him out more but he still thinks about the war and he can't stop thinking of it. He's trying get to thinking like a kid again.